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Welcome to the Band Program at Chestnut TAG! Whether this is your first year in band or your third, we will be learning some exciting new music, performing many concerts at the school and throughout the community this year. For more information about the different band classes and the band contract, please see the links below. If you have any questions, feel free to email me​


Please see the band handbook and the band contract below to better understand the expectations of participation in our Chestnut TAG program.  


Spring Concert is Thursday, May 17th at 6:00pm in the Chestnut Middle School Auditorium. All students must report back to school by 5:30pm in their concert white and black attire. This is a mandatory concert and is a test grade.

-Optional extra credit concert on Saturday June 2nd at STCC/Springfield Armory with the Community Music School of Springfield. Students will arrive at 11:30am and be done by 1:30pm. I highly encourage you to attend.

Any questions, please email Ms. Bowker at


College Identity: Amherst College


Important Information: Students receive AquaBux everytime they show up to school with all of their homework completed for that day.

If your student is in Ms. Bowker's advisory and you would like to contact her, do so at:

On Thursday, March 29th, students from the 7th and 8th grade bands at Chestnut TAG Middle School participated in a band clinic at Westfield State University. Angela Bowker, band director at Chestnut TAG and alumnus of WSU, prepared each band with two pieces that they would perform for Westfield State Faculty and college students. Wind Symphony Director, Dr. Karen LaVoie, worked with each group on the music they performed, expanding and building on their knowledge of this music. This experience was great in opening up new doors for the students to work with college professors, college students, and being able to perform in a performing arts building. The students received feedback that they were able to apply and work on then, but also take with them on their musical journey.

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