Koralise Williams
English Language Arts
I teach because helping students build their confidence as they grow academically is a great reward.

Darryl Delzie
"I got into education to affect change where change is needed, my student's academic success drives me."
Mr. Delzie has accomplished a Masters in Education
Social Studies
Ariana Horne
Passion meets purpose. The same education and mentorship I receive through SPS, I ensure I provide it.
"I am an educator because pf my upbringing! Education has been a domain to support personalities through diversity. It is also the only place where a topic could never cease.
Alanah Westcott
Science(currently on leave)
I Have a passion for learning and have worked with hundreds of kids over the years to foster their love for creativity, science and education. I decided to become a science teacher because I love learning, being creative and doing fun projects.
"Never give up."
Carlos Gonzalez
I started teaching because I realized the youth have my heart; I want to be able to inspire kids to be the best versions of themselves.