The EOS foundation is an organization that is working to make schools a better place. Last year, Chestnut TAG was one of the first middle schools in the Springfield school district to partner with the EOS Foundation and implement BIC (Breakfast in the Classroom). Every morning, our students head to advisory and eat breakfast family style with grade level peers and a teacher in a small group. It helps students and staff alike prepare themselves for a productive day. The purpose of advisory is so that your student knows one adult in the building really well outside of an academic setting-- sharing a meal helps us to create those connections between our students and staff.

Science Technology Engineering Arts Math
“The University of Massachusetts’ S.T.E.A.M program is a club of hand-picked students. S.T.E.A.M stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. In the STEAM program, we do a series of hands on, messy activities to enhance our knowledge on a variety of topics. I think I could speak for all students when I say that it’s way more appealing conducting our own experiments rather than doing paperwork to learn about certain topics. Over the short amount of time in the STEAM program, you learn to develop a better relationship with not just the two amazing hosts of the program, but also your school mates of different grade levels. You begin to feel comfortable and able to be yourself without judgement. The STEAM program is an absolute bullying free zone allowing students to feel safe and secure. This program encourages students to take their learning to a new level by doing more than just trying to understand subjects visually but also physically. ” –Vy Vu (former 8th grade TAG scholar)

National Junior Honor Society
The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) elevates a school’s commitment to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship and helps middle-level students develop the knowledge and skills to become well-rounded student leaders in their school, community, and beyond.