For further information about the ELA department at TAG please see the following information options!
Jennifer Leveille - 6th grade
Undergrad school and degree achieved: BA from Westfield State
Graduate schools and degree achieved: MEd from WNEU
Stay after day/afterschool activities: Thursday
If you weren’t a teacher what would you be? Graphic designer
If you were an animal what would you be? A squirrel
"I believe that if you set high expectations for students, they are more than capable of exceeding them."
Kathy Trujillo - 6th grade
Undergrad school and degree achieved: BA from San Francisco State
Graduate schools and degree achieved: MEd from AIC
Stay after day/afterschool activities: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday
If you weren’t a teacher what would you be? A boutique owner
If you were an animal what would you be? A penguin
"My educational philosophy is ever-changing because it depends on the students’ needs. Every day I adapt and adjust my approach to teaching that meets the student’s needs and wants. I allow the students natural curiosity to direct their own learning."
Undergrad school and degree achieved: B.A and B.S University of Pittsburgh
Graduate schools and degree achieved: Ph.D. from Stanford University
Stay after day/afterschool activities: Monday
If you weren’t a teacher what would you be? An urban planner
What is your go to dance move? Touching the floor.
"Reading is the keystone of any ELA class, but it's speaking and writing about texts in our own words that really makes what we read come alive. I teach speaking and writing as two sides of the same coin-- they mutually reinforce and support one another and must be practiced in tandem."
Janelle Clarke - 8th grade
Undergrad school and degree achieved: BA from Merrimack College
Graduate schools and degree achieved: MEd from Merrimack College
Stay after day/afterschool activities: Wednesday
If you weren’t a teacher what would you be? An interior designer
What is your go to dance move? Fist pump
"Education is more than just the four walls of a classroom; it is a way of life that enables the mind to be used as a sponge to absorb the world. "