Richard Malinoski - Math Teacher and TTO Director
Email: malinoskir@springfieldpublicschools.com
Undergrad school and degree achieved: BBA from UMASS Amherst
Graduate schools and degree achieved: MEd from UMASS Amherst
Stay after day/afterschool activities: Wednesday - Indoor Soccor
If you weren’t a teacher what would you be? A statistician for the Red Sox or the New England Patriots or the Boston Bruins or the Boston Celtics
If you were an animal what would you be? A ninja turtle.
"All children should have the opportunity to learn in a safe and comfortable classroom. Students should take ownership of their education and strive for continuous improvement."

Fred Hurst - Math Teacher
Email: hurstf@springfieldpublicschools.com
Undergrad school and degree achieved: BA from UMass Amherst
Graduate schools and degree achieved: MS Accounting from UMass Amherst
Stay after day/afterschool activities:
If you were not a teacher what would you be? A chef
If you were an animal what would you be? A wolf
"I believe in the idea that Algebra is the gatekeeper for success in the 21st century. It is the foundation required for understanding higher level math and using abstract reasoning. These are essential skills for the careers of today and tomorrow.

Kyle Campbell - Math Teacher
Email: campbellk@springfieldpublicschools.com
Undergrad school and degree achieved: BS from UMASS Amherst
Stay after day/afterschool activities:
What is your go to dance move? The two step
If you weren't a teach what would you be? Something in law enforcment
"Classroom learning is a partnership between the students and the teacher both are tasked with each other's success. All students must endure a level of productive struggle when learning new concepts."

Drew Vanasse - Math Teacher
Email: vanassea@springfieldpublicschools.com
Undergrad school and degree achieved: BS from Springfield College
Graduate schools and degree achieved: MEd from Springfield College
Stay after day/afterschool activities: Rotating
If you weren't a teacher what would you be? An architect
If you were an animal what would you be? A bald eagle
"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - this is the true goal of education."
-- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.